Monday, May 30, 2011

Outback in May (continued)

We were away for around a week, cutting an arc from Broken Hill, through to White Cliffs, on up to Tibooburra and surrounds, and back down to Broken Hill. Len was glad to be back in his old country, and I was taking it all in as a new thing, once we were 1/2 hour out of Broken Hill.

We took a little run along a creek in that creek country an hour out of Broken Hill, noticing the thick vegetation borne of the summer rains. Impassable scrub- driftwood hanging high.

Len drove out to Mootwingie on the chance of it being open. It wasn't. 50 km, buck, yaw, banging hazardous- note- all for want of a sign at the road in blokes!

Horizontal mutterings. Past Nuntherungie-  lunch and a look in and around the dried creek.
 Middens, goats and hawks were about, ancient voices seemed possible in the wide curves - the afternoon falling momentarily silent of human discussion as we walked seperately.

On re-connection we spoke of place- and seen wonders. Standing observation of the looming afternoon revealed western potentials for downpour, and with us being about 800 metres off- road in eroded sand, the decision was taken to get out onto the road, and immediately off to visit White Cliffs township. Some rocking horse 4wd'ing, some cigarettes & standing guidance, and away- wide- eyed- and away..

( to be continued )

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hydra, or Serpent in the Sky

 from look o'er skye
there ever
 amongst the dark
 an eternal beam

 in woman & boy
heart to heart, dancing

Over earth, over ground
 geared ratios and
desire proud and present

where sleeps and fires fly in wind, sighing

modern atmospheres
in exhalation
 in dreams
 in talkings
stampede in rest

 stars and elders
 witness elders to be

navigations, tribulations
under feet of seasons
stars wander dark

by listening stars

( to be continued)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Outback- a week in May

I was very generously offered an opportunity by the wonderfully capable artist Len Vodic to tour his native far north-western New South Wales. Len would come to rue my incoherent preparations and ridiculous baggage, however we emerged relatively intact from a week away, with Len able to celebrate mother's day with mum , who most graciously supplied us with shelter on entry/ exit nights of our tour. Thank you Ola.

The country was in rare shape, grass all over and animals numerous on the back of big summer rains. Big black wedge tail eagles, hordes of 'roos & emus, goats, and a wonderful array of birds. Green creeks , profuse to confusion. I particularly enjoyed seeing the numerous raptors.

We book-ended our mini- odyssey in mythic Broken Hill, the magical city, the silver city. I love to see it; the lateral black firmament behind Argent Street. The Iron sheet alleys, the broad streets with deep gutter preparations. Suburban South, West and North,  the infrastructures, grids, radio, the B.I.U,  the wonderful women and the mythic men, the underground soul.
Len's city- centre sandstone sculptures- Job in the Civic Centre garden.  Feel the history , past and future, with pieces yet to place.

Distilling Australia as city,  an oasis bared to wild airs and the red ground and eternal seasons of outback.

( to be continued)